Preservice Technology Infusion
part of the Education Reform Network
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  • AskA + Locator
    The AskA+ Locator is a database of high-quality "AskA" services designed to link students, teachers, parents and other K-12 community members with experts on the Internet.
  • Digital Divide Series
    Based on a two-part series for PBS about the digital divide, it is possible to explore the issues of classrooms, gender, race and at-work through interaction, voices and links.
  • Latinos, Computers and the Internet
    A comprehensive fact sheet about Latinos and the digital divide. Includes information about Internet access, computers at home and technology used in employment.
  • The Digital Classroom: Using Primary Sources
    To encourage teachers of students at all levels to use archival documents in the classroom, the Digital Classroom provides materials from the National Archives and methods for teaching with primary sources.
  • Virtual Reality Training for Teachers
    Teachers can efffectively use virtual reality in their classroom. See how teachers used VR, developed learning activities, and found a large number of teaching resources.