The framework for the Pre-service Technology Infusion Rubric is the result of collaborative efforts between two organizations:
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has developed a rubric of essential conditions is required for teachers to create learning environments conducive to powerful uses of technology. Descriptions cover general preparation, professional preparation, student teaching/internship, and first year of teaching.
Under its PT3 goal of systemic technology planning, the Great Cities' Universities Urban Educator Corps initiated an effort to build rubrics for its partners to use in self-assessment of partnerships, leadership, teacher education, and technology infusion in urban teacher preparation. Participants included leaders from sixteen of its partner institutions, plus representatives from the Urban Network for the Improvement of Teacher Education (UNITE), the Holmes Group, and ISTE. This collaboration enabled GCU to concentrate its efforts in the area of digital equity; thus producing the indicators which have been incorporated in the Pre-Service Technology Infusion Network.