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Data set
A resource containing only numeric, spatial, spectral, or statistical data. A report of research containing a data set should be assigned the resource type "Research Study."
Customizing Your Technology Assessment
Three school districts (South Huntington; North Lawrence Community School; and Kyrene) have developed and carried out a technology assessment. Here is a description of assessments and lessons learned.
Latinos, Computers and the Internet
A comprehensive fact sheet about Latinos and the digital divide. Includes information about Internet access, computers at home and technology used in employment.
Project Vism: Visualization in Science and Mathematics
The Integrated Science and Technology program at James Madison University, with the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation is designed to get more teachers and students interested and enthused about using data visualization to learn more about math and science.
The Digital Classroom: Using Primary Sources
To encourage teachers of students at all levels to use archival documents in the classroom, the Digital Classroom provides materials from the National Archives and methods for teaching with primary sources.