Preservice Technology Infusion
part of the Education Reform Network
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  • Education With New Technologies
    This networked community is designed to help educators develop powerful learning experiences for students through the effective integration of new technologies. Through this ENT website, one has access to thoughtful colleagues, interactive tools, detailed examples of technology-enhanced education, and a valuable collection of on-line resources.
  • Instructional Module: Assessment
    This module is meant for use either after completion of the project-based learning module or with participants who are familiar with project-based learning. The module is designed for a two to three hour class or session, divided into two parts.
  • Math WebQuests
    A presentation from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual meeting. Includes math projects which use Internet resources to obtain relevant data.
  • Teaching History in Inclusive Classrooms: Technology-Based Practices and Tools
    An 8-page document describing ways to use technology when teaching history.