Preservice Technology Infusion
part of the Education Reform Network
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Technical Assistance

Educators have technical assistance for maintaining and using the technology.

  • AskA + Locator
    The AskA+ Locator is a database of high-quality "AskA" services designed to link students, teachers, parents and other K-12 community members with experts on the Internet.
  • Planning and Evaluation Resources Library
    WEXFORD works collaboratively with clients and stakeholders to create and evaluate high quality programs for K-12 students, new and experienced teachers, ensuring that equity and diversity issues are addressed and technologies are integrated in substantive ways. Resources include: Program Development, Systemic Change, Preservice Programs, EdTech Integration, e-Education, Equity and Diversity.
  • PT3 Profiler
    Use Profiler to strengthen your organization's ability to share expertise. You can build or take an online survey to assess your abilities in any given subject and then utilize Profiler to locate someone who can help you strengthen these skills within your immediate learning community.
  • Tech Mentor: High touch mentoring for high tech integration.
    The "High Touch Mentoring for High Tech Integration" project, hopes to develop beginning teachers who will be able to distinguish between effective and ineffective models for using technology in education and who are able to develop and teach lessons that include technology as a tool to support teaching and learning.
  • is a free service from Oracle designed for teachers. After registering, services include a place to build a school website; tools for conducting on-line discussions; integrated e-mail designed for a school; and administrative tools.