Preservice Technology Infusion
part of the Education Reform Network
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Teacher Retention

The Teacher Retention portal points to exemplary, free digital content on teacher retention strategies, policies, and resources that can help administrators, policy makers, and educators plan for and implement programs that are effective in organizing schools for teaching and learning success. These dimensions have been chosen as the foundational catagories for inquiry, based on the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future report, No Dream Denied: A Pledge to America's Children.

  1. Strategy 1: Organizing for success
    Organizing every school for teaching and learning success
  2. Strategy 2: Quality teacher preparation
    Insisting on quality teacher preparation, program accreditation, and licensure
  3. Strategy 3: Qualified Teachers for Every Classroom
    Improving Teacher Recruitment and Ensuring Qualified Teachers for Every Classroom
  4. Strategy 4: Career Paths
    Developing and sustaining professionally rewarding career paths for teachers

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