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GCU Technology Indicator —>
Use of Tech Resources —>
takes inventory of resources
Community of Learners Toolkit
The Individualized Technology Plan is a form designed to assist higher education faculty members in planning their technology learning goals. The form helps faculty outline their technology goals, activities, timelines and evaluation standards.
Digital Equity Toolkit
The Digil Equity Toolkit points educators to free and inexpensive high quality resources that help address the digital divide in the classroom and community.
Get Started On Our Site: Principals
A collection of articles related to the role of the principals in school change and reform.
Handhelds in the Classroom
Four schools share their experiences with portable digital assistants, aka handhelds.
Knowledge Innovation for Technology in Eduation (KITE)
The Knowledge Innovation for Technology in Education Project involves a consortium of 8 partners collaborating to address issues in creating and diffusing technology integration knowledge. (This is a PT3 funded initiative.).
Math WebQuests
A presentation from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual meeting. Includes math projects which use Internet resources to obtain relevant data.
Meridian: A Middle School Technologies Journal
Meridian is an electronic journal dedicated to research and practice of computer technology in middle school classrooms.
Middle Education Global Activities (MEGA)
MEGA provides K-12 teachers greater opportunities to improve their technology skills and focus on specific content areas in addition to interdisciplinary projects specific to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.