Preservice Technology Infusion
part of the Education Reform Network
Preservice Technology Infusion logo


The network or channel that a resource is associated with.

  1. Classroom Instruction
    The Classroom Instruction network points to research-based classroom instructional practices. These dimensions of instructional practice are based on the publication, Classroom Instruction That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement, by Robert J. Marzano, Debra J. Pickering, and Jane E. Pollack. (2001).
  2. Classroom Management
    The Classroom Management network points to classroom management practices that result in effective learning and teaching. The dimensions of the network are based on Classroom Management That Works, by Robert Marzano, Jana S. Marzano, and Debra J. Pickering. (2003) Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. ISBN 0-87120-793-1
  3. Community Engagement
  4. Critical Issues in Education
  5. Data Driven Reform
    The Data Driven Reform Network is a catalog of resources addressing using data to drive and inform school change.
  6. Digital Equity
    Digital Equity addresses inequitable access to learning technology resources for all learners.
  7. Early Literacy
    The Early Literacy Network is a catalog of resources promoting early literacy.
  8. Education Technology Integration and Implementation Principles
    The eTIPs are Education Technology Integration and Implementation Principles.
  9. Educational Leadership
  10. Equity
    The Equity Network is a catalog of resources addressing equity in education reform.
  11. Holmes Partnership
    A consortium of research universities dedicated to improving teacher education and the profession of teaching.
  12. K-12 literacy
  13. Learning Theory
  14. Mathematics Education
    The Mathematics Education Network is designed to help local schools to understand the issues, challenges and opportunities available for dramatically improving mathemtics instruction so that all students can learn. The portal is offered by a partnership of the Vermont Insitutes and the National Institute for Community Innovation.
  15. NCCRESt
    The National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems (NCCRESt) provides technical assistance and professional development to close the achievement gap between students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and their peers, and reduce inappropriate referrals to special education. The project targets improvements in culturally responsive practices, early intervention, literacy, and positive behavioral supports.
  16. NIUSI
  17. NIUSI
  18. PDS Partnerships
    The PDS Partnerships Network is a catalog of resources addressing education reform through partnership with professional development schools.
  19. Preservice Technology Infusion
    The Preservice Technology Infusion Network is a catalog of resources addressing education reform through technology infusion in teacher training. These resources have been developed by GCU, the Great Cities Universities working with ISTE, the International Society for Technology in Education.
  20. Professional Development
    The Professional Development Network is a catalog of resources assembled by NSDC, the National Staff Development Council in support of the National Standards for Staff Development.
  21. PT3 Resources and Strategies
    The PT3 community is actively carrying out the mission of transforming teacher preparation programs so that future teachers are prepared to effectively use modern learning technologies. For many, this work has resulted in the development or use of specific resources, strategies and promising practices that would benefit other grantees and outside populations interested in furthering the preparedness of teacher education programs. (This site is the combination of multiple PT3 grantee databases: the ALTec Resources & Strategies Database, the Digital Equity Portal, and SoundPrint's Video Classroom Library.)
  22. Research on Best Practices
  23. Rural Community Development Resources
  24. SIF State COP
  25. SimSchool Resources
    SimSchool Resources offer articles, research reports, links to human resources and multimedia, and other curriculum enhancements for teacher education. The collection is intended to support the growth of knowledge, skills and abilities needed for performance-based teaching and learning.
  26. SimSchool Support
    The SimSchool Support collection is intended to provide detailed contextual help and feedback to users of SimSchool.
  27. Somerville Children's Network
    Donor Connection offers everyone the opportunity to help the youth of Somerville. Teachers can use this website to identify school projects that need funding. You can respond to that need quickly and easily, with a donation.
  28. Teacher Retention
    The Teacher Retention portal points to exemplary, free digital content on teacher retention strategies, policies, and resources that can help administrators, policy makers, and educators plan for and implement programs that are effective in organizing schools for teaching and learning success. These dimensions have been chosen as the foundational catagories for inquiry, based on the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future report, No Dream Denied: A Pledge to America's Children.
  29. Technology Applications for Learning
    The Technology Applications for Learning Network is a catalog of promising and proven technology applications for learning.
  30. Technology Planning
    The Technology Planning Network is a catalog of resources addressing planning for technology.
  31. Tools For Democracy
  32. Urban Teacher Education
    The Urban Teacher Education Network presents a collection of educational resources addressing preparation of teachers for the urban context. These resources are assembled and edited by the members of UNITE, the Urban Network to Improve Teacher Education a member of the Holmes Partnership
  33. USOEC
  34. Virgin Islands School Improvement Resources