Educators have access to current technologies, software, and telecommunications networks.
ALL TECH: Where technology is about people
ALLTech is a nationally recognized center that provides training, consultation, and technical assistance in the areas of assistive technology, specialized software, Web accessibility, and universal design in curriculum.
AskA + Locator
The AskA+ Locator is a database of high-quality "AskA" services designed to link students, teachers, parents and other K-12 community members with experts on the Internet.
Computers and Classrooms: The Status of Technology in U.S. Schools
This report is about technology in the classroom. It addresses student access to technology; how technology is used in classrooms; effectiveness of the use of technology; connecting teachers and technology; software; and costs.
Digital Divide Network
This comprehensive Website provides feature stories about digital divide; current research; discussion lists; and a method for finding public access technology in your town.
Digital Divide Resources
Resources, articles, projects, people and businesses that help define the breadth of "digital divide" and gain an understanding of what needs to be done to increase digital equity. Includes background documents, statistics and fact sheets.
Digital Divide Series
Based on a two-part series for PBS about the digital divide, it is possible to explore the issues of classrooms, gender, race and at-work through interaction, voices and links.
Digital Equity Toolkit
The Digil Equity Toolkit points educators to free and inexpensive high quality resources that help address the digital divide in the classroom and community.
Education With New Technologies
This networked community is designed to help educators develop powerful learning experiences for students through the effective integration of new technologies. Through this ENT website, one has access to thoughtful colleagues, interactive tools, detailed examples of technology-enhanced education, and a valuable collection of on-line resources.
Handhelds in the Classroom
Four schools share their experiences with portable digital assistants, aka handhelds.
Latinos, Computers and the Internet
A comprehensive fact sheet about Latinos and the digital divide. Includes information about Internet access, computers at home and technology used in employment.
Meridian: A Middle School Technologies Journal
Meridian is an electronic journal dedicated to research and practice of computer technology in middle school classrooms.
National Institute for Community Innovations
The mission of NICI is to foster local economic and social well-being through educational innovation. Contains resources related to equity, higher education, banks, business, K-12 schools, libraries, and technology.
Project VIEW
Project VIEW, a Federal Technology Innovation Challenge Grant is led by the Schenectady City School District. This program is designed to open the classroom door so that students and teachers can engage in an array of learning opportunities by utilizing interactive education technology which accesses content-rich resources, activities and the exchange of ideas.
The Futures Channel
The FUTURES Channel is a content service for educators in any setting. It gives users direct access to video, sound, image and print resources.
What you can do to help GRRLS get into technology!
All kinds of resources, mentoring programs, projects, and links for helping girls using science, math, technology, to cross that digital divide.