Preservice Technology Infusion
part of the Education Reform Network
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recognizes digital equity as a local and global social justice issue

  • Community of Learners Toolkit
    The Individualized Technology Plan is a form designed to assist higher education faculty members in planning their technology learning goals. The form helps faculty outline their technology goals, activities, timelines and evaluation standards.
  • Computers and Classrooms: The Status of Technology in U.S. Schools
    This report is about technology in the classroom. It addresses student access to technology; how technology is used in classrooms; effectiveness of the use of technology; connecting teachers and technology; software; and costs.
  • Digital Divide Network
    This comprehensive Website provides feature stories about digital divide; current research; discussion lists; and a method for finding public access technology in your town.
  • Digital Divide Resources
    Resources, articles, projects, people and businesses that help define the breadth of "digital divide" and gain an understanding of what needs to be done to increase digital equity. Includes background documents, statistics and fact sheets.
  • Digital Equity Toolkit
    The Digil Equity Toolkit points educators to free and inexpensive high quality resources that help address the digital divide in the classroom and community.
  • Latinos, Computers and the Internet
    A comprehensive fact sheet about Latinos and the digital divide. Includes information about Internet access, computers at home and technology used in employment.