Preservice Technology Infusion
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Research study

A resource that reports the results of research. A resource containing only a data set resulting from research should be assigned the resource type "Data Set."

  • Computers and Classrooms: The Status of Technology in U.S. Schools
    This report is about technology in the classroom. It addresses student access to technology; how technology is used in classrooms; effectiveness of the use of technology; connecting teachers and technology; software; and costs.
  • Latinos, Computers and the Internet
    A comprehensive fact sheet about Latinos and the digital divide. Includes information about Internet access, computers at home and technology used in employment.
  • Performance Assessment in Real Time
    This article from "The School Administrator", addresses how to harness today's technology to support data driven instruction, specifically student assessment.
  • The Pedagogy of Technology Enhanced Learning Environments
    The new maxim in the world of technology enhanced learning is that teachers must let curriculum drive technology, and should beware of letting technology drive curriculum. The goal in designing technology enhanced curriculum is to use tools that are appropriate to the needs of the learning experience.
  • What Professional Development Structures Best Affect Classroom Instruction?
    Over the last decade, a large body of research has accumulated that examines the effectiveness of professional development experiences. Work done for the National Partnership for Excellence and Accountability in Teaching (NPEAT) identified nine general principles from these studies.

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